FIGO joins international consortium to introduce quality-assured postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) drugs in LMICs

PPH project announcement

In August 2022, Unitaid announced a US$45 million investment to increase access to lifesaving products that prevent and treat severe bleeding after childbirth. Part of this investment was granted to a consortium led by Jhpiego with the support of FIGO and PATH, who will be delivering the Accelerating Measurable Progress and Leveraging Investments for Postpartum Hemorrhage Impact (AMPLI-PPHI) project. 

The AMPLI-PPH project 

The objective of the AMPLI-PPHI project is to inform optimal deployment and scale-up of a critical set of PPH medications in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). 

The project will introduce quality-assured postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) medications - heat-stable carbetocin, tranexamic acid, and misoprostol - to LMICs. It will also generate evidence on how countries can expand access to and deliver these PPH prevention and treatment medications at different levels of the health system. 

FIGO’s role in cultivating OBGYN leadership for PPH prevention 

FIGO will utilise its unique position as the only international professional organisation for obstetricians and gynaecologists. Through our member societies in target countries, we will cultivate expertise, awareness and advocacy for PPH prevention and management through the use of these key medications. 

OBGYNs will help to increase demand for PPH interventions and engage partners in civil society. This, in turn, will help to create sustainable access to these lifesaving drugs through community-wide partnerships and evidence- and knowledge-sharing.  

The AMPLI-PPHI project will operate in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Kenya, and India. An additional 13 countries will benefit from the sharing of project learning, resources, and tools, as well as from country and learning exchanges. The project will run through July 2026.